Iran has been at the center of international concerns over its nuclear program, which some countries, particularly the United States, suspect is geared toward nuclear weapons development. Tehran has consistently denied the claims, saying it needs nuclear power for civilian purposes.
"Some highbrow powers believed that by imposing sanctions banning armament deliveries to Iran our army would be weakened. But young Iranian scientists have been able to meet the military needs of our armed forces in all areas," Ahmadinejad said on the occasion of Iran's National Army Day.
Ahmadinejad also said Iran stood for peace and stability in the region and in the world, adding that the Islamic Republic's armed forces could repel any external act of aggression.
The parade that followed Ahmadinejad's speech was held near the Tomb of Ayatollah Khomeini, the founder of the Islamic Republic, and displayed Iran's modern weaponry, including missiles of various range, mobile air defense systems, drone planes, combat aircraft, the armor and electronic warfare.
The UN Security Council voted unanimously March 24 to impose new sanctions against the Islamic Republic for its refusal to halt uranium enrichment, which the country resumed in January 2006 for what it claims to be a civilian nuclear power generating program.
The new UN Security Council resolution was passed following Tehran's refusal to comply with the previous resolution adopted December 23, 2006.