Let Down Your Hair: Meet the Real Life Rapunzel From Argentina

There aren't many girls who didn't want to become princesses as children; for some of them, dreams really come true. Curiously enough, Abril Lorenzatti's fairy tale began with a disappointing haircut.

Everybody knows the story of Rapunzel — a fairy princess whose long blonde hair helped a prince ascend the tower where she was locked away by a wicked witch. While Abril Lorenzatti, nicknamed Argentine's "Rapunzel", is a brunette, she is otherwise every bit as good as a real fairy tale character. Her glorious hair is 1.52 meters long, making the seventeen-year-old a Guinness World Records breaker among teenagers.

After Abril had her hair cut and hadn't liked her new hairstyle ten years ago, she made a decision to stay away from hairdressers ever after. Watch how things have turned out in the following video.
