Berlusconi Backs Deneuve's Stance on #MeToo, Defines Limits in Courting Women

Deneuve, along with 99 other French women, has accused the #MeToo campaign of "puritanism" fueled by a "hatred of men" and stymies sexual freedom.

Speaking in a late-night talk show, former Italian Premier Silvio Berlusconi has expressed his support for Catherine Deneuve in her criticism of the #MeToo campaign against sexual harassment.

"It's not an offense to court women if it stays in the realm of elegance," he said, adding that Deneuve had pronounced "holy" words and explaining that it is only "natural" that women enjoy being courted by men.

The politican and businessman, famous for his affection for younger women, joked that usually women hit on him.

READ MORE: French Writer Raped as Teen Supports Deneuve, Slams #MeToo Campaign

While Hollywood is engulfed in numerous sex-scandals and revelations accompanying the scandal raised around movie mogul Harvey Weinstein, women around the world have started sharing their experiences of sexual assault, harassment, or rape on social media under the hashtag #MeToo.

However, the public has split over the reaction to the issue, as accusations against powerful men around the world hve led to dire consequences, ousting of many of them from their positions.

Famous French film actress Catherine Deneuve, along with many other French women, signed a public letter published in the Le Monde newspaper, calling for a more nuanced view on the tackling of sexual harassment, advocated by the #MeToo campaign, accusing the latter of "puritanism" fueled by a "hatred of men" and stymieing sexual freedom.

READ MORE: 'Vigilante Justice': Film Icon Catherine Deneuve Slams #MeToo 'Puritanism'
