Woman in Germany Reportedly Incites Her Dog to Attack an Ethiopian

The incident occurred in Dresden, Saxony. The African woman suffered minor bites and was in shock, according to reports.

Saxony's Minister of Integration Petra Köpping has condemned the allegedly racially motivated dog attack on an Ethiopian woman in Dresden, the German Die Zeit newspaper reported.

In her opinion, despite the incident there are still no "no-go areas" for people with migrant background in the federal state of Saxony.

"The passers-by who saw the attack intervened, they did not look the other way," Köpping said Thursday.

The Ethiopian woman was first verbally abused by a group of people at a tram stop last Tuesday. According to reports, one of the women in the group had a dog. She unleashed the animal and incited it against the African.

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When the latter attempted to run away, the dog attacked her from behind and made her fall to the ground.

Only when a passerby forced the dog owner to take the animal away was the Ethiopian woman able to stand up. She suffered from some minor bites and was in shock.

After the attack, two witnesses reported the case to the police. The investigation is underway.
