'Iron-Lipped Bro': Chinese Male Beauty Blogger Earns $1.5mln on Lipstick Review

Women seldom test lipstick more than three times per day in order to avoid tissue damage. But what about conducting tests of 380 types of lipstick per day?

By testing lipstick on Alibaba's e-commerce platform Taobao, Chinese male beauty blogger Li Jiaqi managed to earn a whopping 10 million yuan in 2017, which is tantamount to 1.5 million dollars at the current exchange rate, according to China Daily.

Li had to test more than 300 types of lipstick during his lively seven-hour daily broadcasts. He took no breaks except to drink water or go the bathroom.

Nicknamed "Taobao's king of lipstick" and "iron-lipped brother," Li is able to conduct tests of 380 various lipsticks per day, something that is not the case with female beauty bloggers, who can test just three lipsticks in a row to prevent their lips from becoming damaged.

"Testing lipstick can damage the lips, but I do not treat my lips as lips," Li said.

He described helping his fans buy the best products at a low price as "the best part of his job."

In late 2017, Li was invited to teach at the Jiangsu Pedagogical University, where he will lead a training course called "Taobao Writing and Communications".
