Epic Adventure: Man Takes Two Homeless Puppies for Grand Tour Through Country

The life of two puppy siblings has drastically changed after meeting Jordan Kahana in the Arizona desert. In the course of a year they’ve visited 35 states and traveled 32,000 miles together.

Life can take unexpected turns sometimes and so it did with two cute puppy siblings that could expect nothing good after being abandoned in the middle of the road going through the Arizona desert. Fortunately their paths crossed with Jordan Kahana, a freelance digital director, who travels a lot due to the nature of his job. The man took the siblings to the nearest vet, but couldn’t part with the cute pair, so he took them with him and hit the road again.

READ MORE: Man Rescues Drowning Puppy Using Plastic Bottle (VIDEO)

A year has passed since Jordan took in the puppies and the amount of miles Sedona and Zeus have traveled with their human friend and the number of places they have visited is probably beyond anything an ordinary dog could dream of.

They’ve crisscrossed the country from coast to coast and traveled over 30,000 miles (nearly 50,000 km) together.

Recently the three celebrated the first anniversary of their life-changing encounter.

Unfortunately, not every homeless dog is as lucky as Sedona and Zeus, but let’s hope that there will be more such heart-warming stories.
