‘Attitude and Arrogance’: Everyone But US Pleased With Korean Peninsula Thaw

While the opening ceremonies for the 2018 Winter Olympics kicked off with a bang on Friday under the theme of peace, not-so-hidden in the crowd were the stony faces of both US Vice President Mike Pence and his wife, Karen.

Though the two officials cheered and waved their hands as American athletes entered into the stadium, their reactions were far less rosy when the North and South Korean teams marched together under a unified flag.

​"[Moon] is clearly showing that the South Koreans are recognizing, along with North Korea, that they have to [engage in talks] in spite of what the US says," Gagnon said, before adding that the "US is really becoming irrelevant in the world today because of our attitude and arrogance."

However, Patrick Lawrence, author of the book, "Time No Longer: Americans after the American Century," noted that South Korea's attempt to ease tensions is by no means an attempt to do away with its US ties.

"Moon has always been quite single-minded about an approach to [North Korea]… it takes quite a lot of courage for a South Korean leader to plant himself against US policy," Lawrence told Kiriakou, before noting that the official "isn't eager to alienate the US."

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Lawrence added that Moon's "dedication to [easing tensions with Pyongyang] supersedes what is probably a desire to a continuing friendship with Washington."

Nonetheless, Gagnon believes that Moon's decisions are really just in response to the Trump administration's "unstableness."

"There is something much different about Trump and that's the ‘fire and fury,' the threats, the arrogance, the unstableness of his administration and of himself," he told Becker. "I think Moon really has to be looking at that, saying ‘we can't be confident that the US isn't going to unleash war and we've got to use every possible opportunity to bring some sanity and stability to the Korean Peninsula.'"

It's unclear at the moment when the meeting will take place between North and South Korea.
