Italy's Lega Nord Leader Slams Merkel for 'Causing Damage' to the Country

Matteo Salvini has accused Angela Merkel of following only the German agenda and ignoring the fact that her strategy is no good for other EU states, including Italy.

"Angela Merkel has been criticized abroad, since she puts the interests of German citizens and the German economy above the interests of the whole [European] Union. This strategy, that is probably good for Germany, has caused damage to Italy," Matteo Salvini, the leader of the right-wing Italian party Lega Nord, told DPA.

In his opinion, Italy had to agree with EU-related decisions without any chance of influencing them, which is completely wrong, the politician argued.

"We often have an impression that we are only being consulted about accomplished facts and have no chance to influence the decisions that set the direction for Europe," Salvini stated.

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For instance, the politician noted that the Italian government has introduced an austerity policy imposed by Brussels despite severe criticism among the country's residents. But at the same time, German industry "has profited from the euro."

His criticism also concerned the migration issue which has become the subject of heated debates in Europe over the last few years.

Salvini described "regaining control of national borders" as a "top priority" and said that European authorities must put an end to the "absurd ferry transport of migrants."

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In particular, he proposed to check whether migrants are entitled to get asylum right in the Mediterranean Sea or otherwise reject them.

The Lega Nord party is well-known for its tough stance on the migration issue.

Salvini has been nominated as a candidate for Italy's Prime Minister during the forthcoming parliamentary elections in March 2018.
