
Perfect Storm Brewing in Britain as Temperatures Fall & Gas Supplies Run Low

National Grid, the UK's power operator issued a warning to Britain in the early hours of Thursday, 1 March saying gas supplies had run low overnight.

Fears are mounting that gas supplies could run out while Britain experiences sub zero weather conditions this winter after National Grid warned supplies were running low: "National gas demand today is high and due to the extreme weather conditions, there have been gas supply losses overnight," the power operator said. "At 5.45 am this morning [GMT] we issued a 'Gas Deficit Warning' to the market." 

Red weather alerts, the highest possible alert meaning people's lives could be put at risk by the weather have been issued for South West England and Wales. The whole country is under a severe weather warning with heavy snow and gale force winds already halting Britain's rail and road infrastructure. 

The so-called 'Beast of the East' weather front from Siberia has already caused major disruption across Britain and Storm Emma is expected to bring more blizzards and biting winds.

The extreme wintry weather is set to continue amid fears the country's gas supplies could run out. According to National Grid, the Gas Deficit Warning is "an indication to the market that we'd like more gas to be made available to ensure the safe and reliable operation of the national gas work. We are in communication with industry partners and are closely monitoring the situation," the power operator told Sputnik in a statement.

The severity of Britain's weather has led to outpourings on social media of snow pictures, including the havoc caused by the 'Beast from the East' and Storm Emma, some more serious than others. 

It's also received a sprinkling of synicim from twitter users in other countries where wintry snowy condition in winter, is the norm.
