
Trump Still Has to 'Make America Great Again' for Re-election in 2020 - Analyst

With American President Donald Trump announcing his plans to run for re-election in 2020, Sputnik spoke with Clodagh Harrington, Professor of American Politics at DeMontfort University to take a look at other possible candidates and whether Trump could repeat his previous success.

Sputnik: Is Trump likely to be re-elected as President in 2020 and who are some other possible candidates?

Clodagh Harrington: I think it’s actually quite likely that he could be elected in 2020, I also think that if you look at liberal media sources, you get the impression that it’s all over for him tomorrow. Impeachment is imminent, everybody hates him, he’s so divisive etc. etc. When you get past that and look at his approval ratings among the very loyal supporters that he has, it’s consistent.

He won with 46% of the popular vote in 2016, and his approval rating is at around 40%, so that means that only 5 or 6% of those who voted for him are disappointed. If he can keep that 40% happy for the next 4 years, I think he’s got a perfectly good chance of getting back in. In terms of competition from within his own party, there are a few names being banded around.

There’s Jeff Flake from Arizona who seems to particularly dislike Trump. There are a few others, such as Susana Martinez from New Mexico, but they don’t have huge brand recognition. History shows that incumbents tend to win, once you’re in, unless you do something catastrophically wrong, you are quite likely to maintain your seat.

Sputnik: Could the Democrats regain power?

Clodagh Harrington: It’s never crystal clear what the Democrats are offering, particularly so in recent times.  They lack a simple message like Trump with his make America great again catch phrase.

The Democrats need to align and unite, it might be Bernie Sanders or Joe Biden, but they are well into their seventies, so maybe it’s time for someone younger and newer. They would have to do some serious self-promotion between now and 2020 in order to rival Trump.

Sputnik: Has Trump fulfilled his campaign promises?

Clodagh Harrington: I would say not quite, but in fairness he’s only been in power for 1 year. If you look at things like tightening up abortion laws and defunding Planned Parenthood, getting a conservative supreme court of justice onto the bench, there’s quite a few examples of where he’s made his base happy and has delivered.

In other cases there are still works in progress, such as the Mexican border wall and DACA, but he’s going to have to work at making America great again in the next few years until 2020, so he can say that he has fulfilled his promises and launch a successful second Presidential campaign.

The views and opinions expressed by Clodagh Harrington do not necessarily reflect those of Sputnik.
