Scariest Movie Ever? Twitter Goes Crazy Over ‘Veronica’

Netflix has presented a new Spanish horror movie, advertising it as the “scariest movie ever.” Is it really this bone-chilling, or does it just have a great PR team?

There is a new trending topic on Twitter: a horror movie recently presented by Netflix, the creators of the "Stranger Things" series. The movie appears to be something out of this world in terms of terror, according to a wave of tweets calling it "the scariest movie ever."

Directed by Paco Plaza, the movie is about a teen girl and two classmates who decide to play with  a ouija board during a solar eclipse and awaken some dark spirits. It has a rare 100 percent rating on Rotten Tomatoes, based on 12 reviews, which is something.

Judging by the later Tweets, though, it looks like a lot of people were disappointed both with the movie and the hype surrounding it.

​Some users appear to have enjoyed the movie, but they also shared the opinion that "scariest movie ever" is bit of overestimation.

The movie is said to be based on a true story about the unsolved case of a young girl in Madrid who mysteriously died in 1992 after using a ouija board. Police were never able to crack the case and the death remains unexplained to this day.

If you've seen this movie, let us know what you thought in the comments.
