Giant Putin Portrait Reportedly Appears Over UK Foreign Office Building (VIDEO)

A group calling themselves the 'Philosoraptors' have released a video appearing to show a giant portrait of Russian President Vladimir Putin projected over the Foreign and Commonwealth Office in London.

The light display features Putin, accompanied by the pop-up text "Miss Me?", in an apparent reference to the popular TV series Sherlock, where it the phrase is uttered by the show's main antagonist.

UPDATE: A Foreign Office spokeswoman has since denied that the projection actually occurred.

In commentary going along with the video, the group explains that it's "very convenient to blame Russians and Putin for everything."

"Putin interferes in the US presidential elections, Putin poisoned [Russian ex-spy Sergei] Skripal, Putin brought down the bitcoin rate," the video commentary sarcastically notes. But "Russians love their strong leader and re-elected him president. Please respect the choice of Russian people," the group adds, signing off as "Art-group Philosoraptors."

In a recent interview, Putin joked that he had long "gotten used to" being called 'the main global villain' by some Western media. This didn't bother him, he said, because his main focus was on the interests of Russia and its people. "Everything else does not interest me at all," he quipped.

Russians went to the polls on Sunday, reelecting Putin for his second consecutive six-year term in a landslide.
