Jeremy Corbyn's Hat Photo Shopped to Look Like Russian 'Commie's'? Oh Wait

Although the BBC Newsnight team officially announced the cap that made the UK’s labourite Jeremy Corbyn look like Lenin had not been specially edited, the effect of the hilarious, from netizens’ point of view, picture was there all the same, prompting a slew of memes on Twitter.

Twitter users seem to have had a really good laugh following the post. Here are some of the memes that have gone viral:

Some Twitter users even managed to see some anti-Corbyn bias on the BBC’s Newsnight production:

Others wonder why Russians have issued donations to the Conservatives instead of injecting money into "Russian stooge" Corbyn:

BBC staffers officially denied photo shopping the cap, but the pendulum had already been set in motion. BuzzFeed has even launched an experiment, grabbing a similar looking cap at Topshop and trying it on a number of people.

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They were then asked one and the same question: "What do you think, does the accessory make you look more Russian?" Reactions differed, but netizens increasingly suggested making a similar shot against the backdrop of the Kremlin, just to stand a better chance of looking Russian.
