Spotted Hyenas Take Food from a Pack of Wild Dogs

Hyenas will fight within the clan for food or dominance and have even been known to confront lions -- not for food, but just to pick a fight. And this video once again proves the fearless hustle in them.

African wild dogs operate in packs of up to 20, but they don't stand a chance against a couple of opportunistic spotted hyenas.

This scene was captured by a 47-year-old businessman Koert Grobler at the Kruger National Park in South Africa.

"To see wild dogs in the Kruger is very rare, but to see them devouring a kill 5 meters in front of you is basically unheard of," said Grobler. "The fact that it was so close that I could hear every bite as if I were standing right next to them made it even more special. The interaction between the wild dogs and hyenas as well as the screaming sounds is something that you just see and hear in movies. I consider this a once in a lifetime event, being able to be there and experience it all."
