Massive Nationwide Strikes Plunge German Cities Into Chaos

While protesters advocating a pay raise for public sector workers in Germany took to the streets for the second day in a row, the move has severely impacted public transport, hospitals and kindergartens.

Public transport in several German cities was brought to a halt due to public sector workers' strikes which have gripped the whole county, reported.

Düsseldorf has become one of the cities that has been affected by the protests most of all.

"Everything is shut down here," a spokesman of the Ver.di movement that initiated the protest campaign said.

Other German cities across the three states of Rhineland-Palatinate, Hesse and Baden-Württemberg have also plunged into chaos, with public transport in many areas being completely stopped.

According to the media outlet, many child care facilities have been closed, while hospitals have been struggling to continue their work under the difficult conditions as best as they can.

The main reason behind the strikes is the demand to increase the salaries of some 2.3 million public sector workers in Germany, with Ver.di activists demanding a 6 percent pay rise.

Strikes began on Tuesday and have spread all across the country, including major transport hubs such as Frankfurt, Munich, Cologne and Bremen.
