'It is Premature and Unintelligent to Blame Russia' for Skripal Case - Editor

Independent chemical weapons scientists have confirmed that "high purity" A-234 was used in the attempted murder Sergei Skripal and his daughter Yulia; yet there is no clear evidence to suggest that it was produced in Russia. Sputnik contacted Dr. Marcus Papadopoulos, UK political journalist and the founder of Politics First magazine for more.

Sputnik:Has the western media blamed Russia too swiftly following the Skripal incident?

Dr Marcus Papadopoulos:It is completely premature and completely unintelligent to blame Russia for the incident; yes the report has determined that a nerve agent was used to attack Sergei Skripal and his daughter, but they have been unable to determine the source, so as far as I'm concerned and indeed any rational, level headed person should be, this is not sufficient to blame Russia.

Sputnik: Could the nerve agent have been produced in the UK?

Dr Marcus Papadopoulos:All I would say on this matter is that in the world of espionage, the seemingly unthinkable can happen and I don't believe we will ever really know what happened in Salisbury, with Litvinenko or any other case in the world involving espionage. The world of espionage is a very dark sinister world and the reality is you won't ever know the cold, hard truth.

The opinions expressed are those of speaker alone and do not necessarily reflect the position of Spuntik News.

