German Council Warns Against Wearing Jewish Headwear due to Anti-Semitism

Donning heads with kippahs, traditional brimless caps worn by religious Jews, is said to be especially dangerous in big cities due to possible attacks.

The president of the Central Council of Jews in Germany, Josef Schuster, advised individuals to avoid "openly appearing in kippahs in Germany's major cities."

In an interview with RBB radio on Tuesday, Schuster stressed that if society isn't be able to resist anti-Semitism, "this will ultimately pose a danger to democracy."

His remark came just a week after a Syrian refugee attacked a young Israeli wearing a kippah in Berlin.

READ MORE: 'New Phenomenon': Merkel Sheds Light on Arab Migrants' Anti-Semitism

The incident prompted active discussion in German society about the need to counter anti-Semitism amid the heavy inflow of migrants, primarily from Arab countries.

Since 2015, Germany has been struggling to cope with a large-scale inflow of refugees fleeing their war-torn home countries in the Middle East and Africa. The migration crisis has changed life in Europe and has led to numerous religious and ethnic tensions on European soil.
