World-renowned physicist Stephen Hawking, who passed away in March this year, had repeatedly warned advanced creatures from outer space may want to destroy human civilization.
"Human history is rife with instances of people abusing, even annihilating other cultures that were less technologically developed. With that in mind, we shouldn't expect aliens to be any nicer to us than we've been to one another," Hawking said.
However, it appears, Twitter users have chosen to celebrate extra-terrestrial life, despite potential threats associated with it, posting under the hashtag #AlienDay on April 26.
According to a poll conducted by YouGov, more than one in two people in the UK, Germany and the US believe aliens exist.
Germans (56%) are the most likely to believe this, followed by Americans (54%) and then British people (52), with men more likely to believe in alien life than women, the poll said.