Curious Case of Benjamin Button: Mom Makes School Age Son Look Like Centenarian

One mother has apparently taken a task given to her son in class too seriously, as she has not just shaved the central part of the boy’s head to imitate baldness, but even made corrections to his posture, making him cling to his walking cane, with one hip higher than the other one.

To finish off the image, the mom applied heavy makeup on him, making wrinkles all over his face and neck and yielding an astonishingly true to life look. She then uploaded the fruit of her effort on Reddit, prompting many to comment on the tiniest touches.

For instance, a number of users have found "a haphazard cardigan" coupled with an untucked shirt to be perfectly in place and to suit the general look, whereas one user noted that the difference in height of the newly-geriatric grade school student's hips was perhaps excessive.

Responding to the chain of comments, one user noted, tongue-in-cheek, that a diaper showing itself from underneath the pants would make the old boy look even more realistic.

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Some stated there was a real Benjamin Button in the family, referring to an adventure story by F. Scott Fitzgerald and the 2009 movie of the same name, starring Brad Pitt and Cate Blanchett.

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One user humorously expressed relief that the mother hadn’t been inspired to render the image of an already-dead centenarian.

Reddit users, generally speaking, applauded the joint mother-son effort and the life-like image of a half-bald and wrinkled elderly person, as well as expressed hope that in 100 years, humanity will have solved the aging issue as well as figured out how to transfer consciousness.
