Iran Deal: Trump 'Acts on Orders From Israeli Lobby in Washington' - Analyst

Commenting on Tehran's warning that it will withdraw from the Nuclear Non-Proliferation Treaty if Washington scraps the Iran nuclear deal, US political analyst Alexander Azadegan told Sputnik that the Islamic Republic should tread carefully on the issue.

Alexander Azadegan, professor of geopolitics from the University of California and chief editor of the website ImperiaNews, said that Europe is not ready for Tehran's possible withdrawal from the Iran nuclear deal and does not want to lose the advantages that the nuclear deal brought to European countries which are also against Iran's pullout of the Nuclear Non-Proliferation Treaty (NPT).

Azadegan recalled that US attacks on Iran began during the Obama presidency, when the White House extended the Iranian oil embargo.

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"The Islamic Republic's current response to all American claims is the result of activities by those politicians, who like [Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin] Netanyahu will now begin demonizing Iran and say that Tehran will produce an atomic bomb in the near future," Azadegan said.

He added that "Iran just wants to say that it will no longer enter negotiations on its nuclear program" and that first of all, it should be considered by US President Donald Trump who "thinks that he can start negotiations again, bargain with Iran and get advantages from it."

US Sanctions Against Iran

Azadegan said that the Iranian economy was seriously damaged by US sanctions but that Iran is not going to retreat a step from its position. He warned of the international community's looming distrust for Iran.

"Most likely, it will happen, which is why Iran should take an offensive, yet balanced, position. The US President does not pay attention to European allies and acts on orders from the Israeli lobby in Washington. Europe wants political and economic stability in Iran rather than a regime change, in order to invest in the Islamic Republic on a long-term basis. But Trump does not want this and relies on sanctions, a policy that that cannot last forever," Azadegan underscored.

He also blamed Western countries for using "a missile theme" as a pretext to criticize the Iran nuclear deal, also known as the Joint Comprehensive Plan of Action (JCPOA).

"This is wrong. The deal clearly states that missiles cannot have nuclear charges and Iran complies with this requirement. Iran strictly adheres to the JCPOA, showing maximum goodwill in the deal's implementation. Currently, more liberals and reformers in Iran are starting to understand the price of American false promises and say that the US is not a partner that can be trusted," Azadegan said.

Earlier this week, Ali Shamkhani, secretary of Iran's Supreme National Security Council, told reporters that the Atomic Energy Organization of Iran was ready for some "surprising actions" if the JCPOA is scrapped.

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When asked whether it means Tehran may withdraw from the NPT, Shamkhani said that "this is one of three options that we are considering."

Since his election campaign in 2016, Trump has voiced his dissatisfaction with the JCPOA. In late January 2018, he intensified his rhetoric, asking the Congress to address the flaws in the "terrible Iran nuclear deal" and threatening to pull out of it otherwise.

Trump is expected to announce his decision by the May 12 deadline, whether or not he is imposing economic sanctions against Iran.

READ MORE: Iran Vows to Pull Out of Nuclear Deal if US Exits It — Senior Official

Once Bitten, Twice Shy: Iran Warns Other Countries About Nuclear Deals With US
European countries which are signatories to the JCPOA have repeatedly voiced concern about Washington's plans on the Iran deal, while Moscow has warned against scrapping the agreement. The Russian Foreign Ministry announced that it would stick to the JCPOA provisions as long as other participants do. Moscow also added that it does not believe the deal needs to be changed.

The JCPOA was signed by the European Union, Iran and the P5+1 group of countries, including Russia, China, France, the United Kingdom, the United States and Germany, on July 14, 2015.

The deal stipulates that Tehran pledges not to develop or acquire nuclear weapons in exchange for the lifting of sanctions imposed against the Islamic Republic.

The views and opinions expressed by Alexander Azadegan are those of the analyst and do not necessarily reflect those of Sputnik.
