'Catching Signals From the KGB': Twitter Chuckles Over Trump's Umbrella Troubles

The twitterati are out in force making light of the president's struggle with an umbrella against a powerful gust of wind after his arrival at Joint Base Andrews in Maryland Saturday night after a rally in Michigan.

with his umbrella almost immediately flipping inside out, before walking down the steps and handing the ruined umbrella over to an aide.

Social media users, particularly Trump's opponents, immediately began to make jokes about the blooper, one user quipping that perhaps the umbrella 'roasted' the president after he skipped the White House Correspondents Dinner. 

Others suggested there was a broader symbolism at play here.

Others still suggested that comedian Michelle Wolf's White House Correspondents Dinner remarks, which included criticism of the media elite, were perfectly illustrated by the fact that that same media reported on Trump's umbrella troubles.

Some users joked about the alleged collusion between Trump and Russia, quipping that he had turned the umbrella into a satellite dish to catch a KGB broadcast. 

Finally, others still offered topical jokes, from pop culture references to Trump's ostentatious speaking style.
