Sex Bot Fan Reveals He No Longer Has Trouble With Women

He is not young, but possessing five sex dolls apparently makes him feel like a teenager, invigorating his body and soul, and most importantly, helps facilitate communication with real women in real life.

A man, who identified himself simply as Brick, says that he is very sexual and the silicone ladies in his collection are beautiful, which makes their relations incredibly harmonious, The Sun reported. On top of that, the sexual satisfaction he gets from the dolls empowers him greatly and allows him to talk to real women without pressure, which he previously experienced.

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Brick notably obtained his perfectly realistic sex dolls from California-based startup Realbotix, which also specializes in making female pleasure bots. The company is currently working on an ambitious project, the first RealDoll X, which is yet unrivalled due to its AI-powered "vision" and a synchronized smartphone app allowing users to select and make changes to its personality.

READ MORE: Moscow Sexbot Brothel Poised to Bring Diversity to Russians' Sex Lives
