Italian Migrant Crisis an 'Emergency for Citizens' With Huge Impact - Journalist

Giampaolo Rossi, an Il Giornale columnist and professor at Link Campus University of Rome, has discussed the prospects of the Italian ruling parties to fulfill their election promise to implement a hardline plan to tackle illegal immigration and the possible EU reaction to the matter.

Sputnik: How has society reacted to the announcement made by the newly formed government? Was it surprising that Italy took such a tough line on migration?

Giampaolo Rossi: Let's do an introduction: the new Italian government it still has to settle and so any valutation about policy on migration is based only on hypotheses.

In Italy, irregular migration is one of the main social and economic problems; an emergency for the citizens with great economic and social implications. Immigration caused the victory of sovereign and populist parties in the last election day; and people are more aware that this phenomenon is "bringed" by the globalist elite to create a new slave market required by rule projects.

Sputnik: In your view, what impact has the migration had on Italy?

Giampaolo Rossi: Italy is the country which most suffered the flows of migrants from the Mediterranean area, being the forefront of this exodus.

Since 2007, in Italy 1 million migrants illegally arrived in Italy, almost the totality of the migratory flows from North Africa.

For the rescue, reception and relocation, the Italian state has spent over € 4 billion on 2017, will be € 5 billion on 2018; to this effort, EU contributes with less than 3%. The entire migration emergency of southern Europe is on the shoulders of the Italian people.

Immigration become a real business which catchs foreign criminal organizations that feed a modern slave trade.

Most of migrants are not refugees; they do not run away from wars or persecutions but are "economic migrants "; young men between 18 and 35 years old, looking for a job. Because the Italian economic system can't employ them during this slump period, many of them are involved in criminal organizations. They encrease more and more cases of violences, rapes, murders,robberies, drug, implemented by foreigners.

Then there is also a problem of national security because the Italian Intelligence Services warned more times that among these migrants often without identity, some terrorists; recently jihadist cells linked to the migration business have rbeen discovered in Italy.

Sputnik: Can this announcement have any impact on Rome's relations with Brussels?

Giampaolo Rossi: The new Government announced a "crackdown" on immigration, with an increase in expulsions and a different role in reception. It wants to revise the Dublin Regulation about the refugee in Europe, penalizing the countries of the first port of call (Italy and Hungary). And a closer control on Islamic immigration, which is the one with the greatest risk of terroristic infiltration. It is clear that these will be some points of crisis with the European Union.

Sputnik: Legal rights organizations recently backed a case made by refugee survivors who have accused Italy of allegedly violating human rights by funding and training Libyan coast guard to patrol its cost and return migrants. What are your thought on this matter and how justified are the claims made against Italy?

Giampaolo Rossi: It is a useless and unjust accusation. In recent years Italy has faced up alone to the immigration emergency. Italy was left alone by the international community and is engaging the best of its military and civil resources to deal with this humanitarian crisis.

Rather, the problem is that immigration is often fueled by some NGOs funded by centers of globalist power (such as the Open Society of George Soros for example), which, as shown by investigations of Italian magistrates, are not limited to saving lives in the Mediterranean but they feed immigration, de facto violating the sovereignty of the state.

The views and opinions expressed by Giampaolo Rossi are those of the speaker and do not necessarily reflect Sputnik's position.
