DO Look Back in Anger!

Yesterday's memorial for the victims of the Manchester terror attack was moving. However, I am afraid I can't bring myself to change my twitter avatar, light a candle and sing Kumbaya whilst not "looking back in Anger." Because frankly, I am angrier now about this terrorist attack than I was 12 months ago.

I am angry that there are still people living amongst us, up to 23,000 according to the spooks, who want to kill us or change our way of life.

I am angry that those in power, including Theresa May, refuse to call this savagery what it is, which is Islamist terror.

I am angry that the social justice warriors and the Police seem to think Islamophobia is a bigger problem than kids being blown to pieces whilst watching a pop singer.

I am angry that the "Thought Police" and social media platforms have essentially censored any real debate about these terrorists and their connection to Islam.

I am angry that Channel Four thought it was a good idea, or acceptable, on the eve of the first anniversary of this despicable act to put out a program called Manchester, a year of Hate Crime.

I am angry that the Sun Newspaper revealed today that the bomber, Salman Abedi, is linked to the largest Islamist terror cell in the UK, with many of the members still at large and the Police warning they could carry out another atrocity any time they wish.

​I am angry that our weak Government is allowing traitors, who went to train and fight in Syria and Iraq with Daesh*, to come back to the UK and continue to live amongst us.

I am angry that our Government has not cut all foreign funding of Mosques and that we actually allowed the Butchers of Saudi Arabia a royal visit whilst our capital's Muslim Mayor has been busy telling Donald Trump he is not welcome in London.

I am angry that Theresa May has decided that Russia is our enemy instead of the savages of Daesh. Why is she attacking Russia, the only State that has been effectively wiping out Daesh in Syria and Iraq?

I am angry that Theresa May bombed Syria on fake news of a chemical attack and therefore actually helped Daesh.

I am angry that our borders still have more holes in them than Gordon Ramsay's colander.

However, I am mostly angry with myself and you, the great British Public, that we have let the Government, the Police, Social Media and the MSM gag us from talking about our anger and trying to find out how we can collectively protect ourselves and our children.

Why have we allowed this to happen?

You can light all the candles you want and tell the world that Manchester, Paris, London (delete or add where applicable) will overcome and sing Oasis songs until you're blue in the face, but it will not make a lot of difference to these savages who wish to destroy our way of life.

​Abedi targeted a pop concert knowing full well it would be full of young innocent children, mostly girls.

​His message was clear, you and your children are not safe from our barbarism. But we are told we must not express our anger by the establishment elite?

It is clear that they fear reprisal attacks from the general law-abiding British public. Well, this might have been an understandable worry after 7/7 when 52 were slaughtered on the tube in the name of the same cause. However, there was no real backlash then and there hasn't really been one since, despite the atrocities of Paris, Charlie Hebdo, London Bridge, Parsons Green, do I need to go on?

Why does our Government treat us as if we are the problem?  That we are the mob that cannot be trusted, that somehow, we are the savages?

Why do they hate us so much?

​Is it the same thinking that drives them to try and thwart our democratic decision to leave the EU? The same thought process that tells our football fans not to wave our flag at the World cup as it is "imperialistic" and "aggressive"? The same thought process that wants to tear down our statues or rewrite our history? The same Common Purpose agenda that wants us to feel guilty about our history and our traditions?

Well, frankly I have had enough and you should have too. We should be demanding a public debate and a full discussion of what is happening in our green and pleasant land.

It should not be a hate crime or Islamophobic to say that this is a problem of Islamist Extremism.

You should not be accused of Islamophobia for stating the bloody obvious and I'm sorry but phobia means an irrational fear, well I think the fear of being blown up at a pop concert is not irrational but perfectly rational.

​Excuse me "PC policemen" but I do have a very rational fear of Islamist extremists.

The "I" word has become verboten in polite circles, you may as well say the C word as it would cause less offense amongst the chattering classes and the inhabitants of the Westminster Bubble.

This policing of language has been used to silence us and just like shouting "racist" it is used to close down all debate, but that debate is necessary, no vital and we should fight back against the moral cowardice of our leaders and refuse to be silent any longer.

We need Muslims to join us in this debate and we all need to raise our heads above the parapet and not sing, "Don't look back in anger" but instead sing from the same hymn sheet that the savages will not win and that Western liberal democracies will defeat this enemy both abroad and living amongst us.

It is time to blow out the candles and wipe out the Islamist Extremists.

*Daesh — a terrorist group, banned in numerous countries, including Russia

The views and opinions expressed by Jon Gaunt are those of the speaker and do not necessarily reflect those of Sputnik.
