Professor Sees 'General Level of Revolt' Against Establishment in Europe and US

Having vetoed the Five Star Movement and Lega’s choice of finance minister, Italian President Sergio Matterella has been locked in talks this week, desperately hoping to avoid snap elections. Sputnik spoke with Professor of Politics at the University of Salford Martin J. Bull on the issue.

Sputnik: Why have the Lega and Five Star movements become so popular in Italy?

Martin J. Bull: There is a general level of revolt against the establishment that we’ve seen in Europe and the US. In the case of Italy, we have a situation where the effect of 10 years of recession, combined with migration has turned people towards alternatives, which these two parties represent.

READ MORE: Turmoil in Italy 'Might Spread to Other Countries in Europe' – Economic Analyst

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Sputnik: Is there likely to be a snap election soon?

Martin J Bull: If this latest attempt fails, the president will have two options. One is to put in place a presidential technical government, which will likely not gain the confidence of the two houses and it will be a temporary measure, the houses will be dissolved and elections will be called.
The elections could be called in July, August or September or October. This depends on certain day limits after the president dissolves the houses. The league would like elections, but not in the summer as they know it will irritate the Italians. The Five Star Movement would prefer to try and form a government.

Sputnik: Could Italy withdraw from the EU or stop using the Euro?

'EU in Turmoil': Experts Explain What Would Happen If Italy Stops Using Euro
Martin J Bull: This is very unlikely at this point in time. The crisis that has occurred in the past two weeks was prompted by the inclusion of a finance minister who has a plan B for Italy to exit the Euro. This is why Mattarella rejected the appointment and the League refused to back down on this.

This minister will not be in the government that is formed and none of the populist parties committed themselves to exit the Euro in their manifestos. It would require a national debate and I think the parties have already seen the potential consequences that could happen if such a proposal is pushed through too harshly.

The views and opinions expressed in this article are those of the expert and do not necessarily reflect Sputnik's position.
