Macron on New US Metal Tariffs: Trade War to Hit American Workers First

French President Emmanuel Macron has commented on the US decision to remove an exemption sparing the EU, Canada and Mexico from 25 percent tariffs on steel and 10 percent import duties on aluminum, due to the alleged national security threat posed by the import of these metals.

The French and Canadian delegations will try to persuade US President Donald Trump at the G7 summit to take a more conventional path on trade amid his imposition of tariffs on the EU and Canada, French President Emmanuel Macron said in a press briefing.

"I will try to convince him, with Minister Trudeau and all our partners, to find a more normal path on trade topics. We can't wage a trade war between friends," Emmanuel Macron said, adding that the countries have to remain polite as the US is an ally and "we need them."

However, America's fellow G7 leaders must not be afraid to reach agreements without the US, Macron stated, saying that "perhaps Trump doesn't care about being isolated but we as a G6 represent a real force."

"If the US decides to withdraw from its global role, it would be bad for the US economy and image, and Trump knows that," Macron noted.

Macron said that recent trade actions taken by Trump are counterproductive to the economy of the United States.

At the same briefing, Canadian Prime Minister Justin Trudeau added that it is ridiculous for Trump to think Canada, France or any other allies are threats to US national security.

US Shouldn't Force Iran to Exit Nuclear Deal

US President Donald Trump should not prevent the other signatories of the Joint Comprehensive Plan of Action (JCPOA) from maintaining the agreement, nor should he push Iran out of the nuclear deal, French President Emmanuel Macron said in a press briefing.

"Don't prevent other people from keeping it [the JCPOA] and don't push Iran out of it. That's the best option we have today," Macron told reporters.

Relations between the United States and other G7 members have deteriorated over recently introduced US steel and aluminum tariffs, and Washington's withdrawal from the Paris Agreement and Iran nuclear deal.

READ MORE: Macron, Trudeau Agree to Set Up Council for Defense Cooperation — Reports

Trump’s Exit From International Deals May Be New US Strategy - EU Council Chief
Last week, Trump announced he would remove an exemption sparing Canada, Mexico and the EU from both a 25 percent tariff for steel and a 10 percent import duty on aluminum, due to the national security threat posed by the import of these metals.

Earlier in May, Trump announced his decision to withdraw from the Joint Comprehensive Plan of Action (JCPOA), which requires Tehran to maintain a peaceful nuclear program in exchange for sanctions relief. Trump's decision was largely criticized by other parties to the JCPOA.
