They've Reinvented the Wheel...a Square Wheel: DARPA Ridiculed Over Superwheel

The US Defense Advanced Research Projects Agency (DARPA) has created a new transforming wheel it says is suitable for rough terrain as part of its Ground X-Vehicle Technologies program. However, sharp-eyed and skeptical social media users said that the project looks like an incredible waste of taxpayer money.

DARPA showed off its Reconfigurable Wheel-Track (RWT) in a video, with the custom wheels shown to be able to transition from a standard round wheel into a triangular track, depending on terrain. DARPA boasts that the wheel will improve the "mobility, survivability, safety and effectiveness of future combat vehicles without piling on armor."

But social media users aren't too sure, arguing that the design promises none of those things and reminding DARPA that simplicity almost always defeats complicated on the battlefield.

Others suggested that the wheel would be absolute nightmare for mechanics.

Others still complained about the system's expense compared to standard wheels.

Naturally, the technical and cost complaints were also rounded out by the comments of a few jokers.
