Naughty Teddies Compromise German Chancellor's Kindergarten Photo Op

German Chancellor Angela Merkel paid a visit to the Caritas Association kindergarten in Cologne on July 18, mingling with the staff and children and using this opportunity to display her caring side.

German Chancellor Angela Merkel inadvertently found herself in an awkward situation during a photo op in a kindergarten she recently visited due to a pair of teddy bears placed behind her back, The Daily Mirror reports.

As Merkel sat down and interacted with children and their teacher during crafts time, she apparently failed to notice two teddy bears behind her back, lying on top of one another  “in a sexually explicit pose,” according to the newspaper.

Some Twitter users were amused by this development and speculated about who might’ve arranged the stuffed toys in this fashion and why.

Others however criticized the story and its author, claiming that the whole thing had been blown out of proportion.
