Patriotic Peter is a Pillock

My name is Jon Gaunt and I hate other countries and I hate foreigners so essentially, I am racist Nationalist.

But please don’t feel sorry for me because there are at least 17.4 MILLION people like me in the UK.

Yes, according to Peter Mandelson, the “arch Patriot”, we Brexiteers are nationalists and are fuelled by hatred of foreigners. Patriotic Peter was also so kind to then give us a lecture on the difference between being a Nationalist and a Patriot like him.

Of course, Peter is a real patriot, isn’t he? 

So much so, that along with people like Neil Kinnock, he swore an oath of allegiance to the EU years ago which means he loses his gold-plated EU pension of at least £34.5 thousand a year for life if he ever criticizes the European Union. 

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Please also note that this money, with its generous Tax break, is not the only cash he got or gets when he stopped being an EU commissioner in 2009 after only 4 years in the job. He also picked up more than £234,000 of "top-up" salary payments and a £15,000 resettlement fee which he received over the next three years.

The cost of his index-linked pension if bought on the private market would have been £550,000.

Nice work if you can get it don’t you think. Why do pig, snouts troughs come to mind!

Hey but don’t accuse dear Patriotic Peter of hypocrisy because his spokesman back in 2009 told the Daily Telegraph that, "Peter Mandelson does not see a contradiction between British patriotism and EU loyalty, He has always had a clear view of British interests and how they are secured by our EU membership."

There you go then trebles all round then including for the Welsh windbag, Neil Kinnock who on a similar deal picks up the best part of £87 grand a year in his EU pension. No wonder they are both flipping remainers!

Yesterday Patriotic Peter was on LBC expanding on the differences between being a Patriot like him (with his EU pension) which he described as, "Patriotism is the love of your country, wanting to stand up for your country, wanting to serve the best interests of your country.”

Whereas "Nationalism, on the other hand, is a hatred of foreigners — and that's what they are. They are nationalists and they should not be confused with patriots."

Oh, thanks Peter that’s cleared that up then so whilst we are clarifying things what’s the difference between arch Nationalist/patriot Tommy Robinson being sent to jail for Mortgage fraud and what you did with Geoffrey Robinson's money which meant you had to resign from public office. Is there a difference there Mr Mandelson?

For those too young to remember this incident, Peter, then Secretary of State for Trade and Industry bought an expensive house in Notting Hill with an interest free loan from Geoffrey Robinson. However, when Patriotic Peter filled in a Britannia Building Society mortgage form to buy the house he failed to mention the loan. Nor did it appear on his entry in the Commons Register of Interests!

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After joining the Cabinet, he also did not bring the loan to the attention of his Permanent Secretary, even though Mr Robinson's business links were at that time under investigation by Patriotic Pete’s own department.

Patriotic Peter was forced to resign because, and no sniggering at the back Tony Blair had promised that “his government was going to be whiter than white”!  I wonder what the million dead in Iraq or the family of David Kelly make of that boast today?

Patriotic Peter admitted that he was technically wrong in not telling the building society about the loan but that he had done nothing improper!

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Oh, right then that clears that one up then doesn’t it Peter? Perhaps Tommy Robinson should have used that defence too?

Of course, Peter was forced to resign a second time over the “cash for passports” scandal where he was accused in the newspapers of helping Indian billionaire, Srichand Hinduja, to secure a British passport in return for a £1 million donation to help fund the Millennium Dome's Faith Zone.

Patriotic Peter again denied any wrongdoing and said it was “a muddle”. So that’s that one cleared up too then!

So, when Patriotic Peter says Brexiteers are “nothing like him:” He is absolutely correct.

I never want to be anything like him. From his inability to differentiate mushy peas from guacamole, through to his alleged comments about wanting to rub Brits noses in diversity. 

He and Blair essentially started the “Immigrants R us” policy that has so fundamentally changed Britain for the worse and created separate communities and no-go zones. 

Now Patriotic Peter would describe my last comment as, “waycist, waycist” but unfortunately it is the plain truth and it is a belief held by millions of Brits of all colours creed and races. Nowhere in their manifestos did New Labour they say that they were going to open the floodgates and in doing so they not only betrayed their Labour heartlands in the North but the country as a whole. 

Any person who argued against these foolish and downright dangerous policies was smeared as a little Englander at least and at worst a bigot and a racist.

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BUT the UK is not a racist country, it is an extremely tolerant one and at the risk of being a Nationalist Peter it is a great country and our culture, our values our history are great.

I am also brave enough to say Peter that in most respects our Country IS superior to many of the Hellholes these immigrants are trying to escape from. If it wasn’t so great we wouldn’t have every Tom, Dick and Abdul trying to get into the UK legally or, illegally would we? 

Most people in the UK, myself included, believe that well controlled managed immigration has been great for our country and we are proud of our record on it. However, what we could not stand, as proved by the EU referendum, was the sheer numbers of immigrants that were arriving. 

That is why we voted to take back control of our borders and that is why it is laughable when remainers like Patriotic Peter say we did not know what we were voting for and we need a second referendum. 

We knew exactly what we were voting for but it is just that the Establishment don’t like that reason and see it as distasteful, which is why they paint Brexiteers as knuckle dragging racists, or as Patriotic Peter would put it, Nationalists, who hate other countries and foreigners! 

However, there is nothing to be ashamed of in being a Patriot and a Nationalist, just ask the Scottish or the Welsh, Peter. 

It is not racist to wrap yourself in the Union flag or if you’re English in the flag of Saint George.

There is nothing racist in wanting to secure our borders and select who and when we let people into our country. 

I call that being Patriotic and a Nationalist.

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However, Patriotic Peter feels differently saying, "I feel I am patriotic. I want the best for Britain — it's why I voted Remain in the referendum though I entirely respect the contrary view of many others.”

And there again in one sentence we not only see Patriotic Peter’s hypocrisy but the hypocrisy of every single member of the remainers in the Establishment who are trying to ignore the wishes of the population who voted to leave the EU.

Jacob Rees-Mogg hit back nicely by saying, “Lord Mandelson should not confuse fact with fiction. It is regrettably something he has had difficulty with throughout his career”

One other question that remains after Patriotic Peter’s outburst yesterday. Who lifted the stone!

The views and opinion expressed in this article are those of the contributor and do not necessarily reflect Sputnik's position.
