Black is Beautiful: Twittizens Celebrate 'Black Cat Appreciation Day'

Black cat
Twitter users are taking to social media in order to promote one of the pet industry's most misunderstood felines. Several charities are campaigning for their fluffy friends by dispelling the most common myths about them.

People across the world have banded together to campaign for black cats using the hashtag #BlackCatAppreciationDay. The holiday is celebrated every August 17, but most people often associate the black cat with October 31, or Halloween.  Many netizens are taking a stand for their melanated companions by showcasing their best black cat pics, with some even adopting the campaign tag #blackcatsmatter.  "Today is a very important day. It is #BlackCatAppreciationDay We are less likely to get adopted than other fur colour cats and some people say we are less photogenic," one Twitter user said. 

A few charities and businesses have come to the unlucky moggies' defense, stating that there's more than meets the eye to this underrated pet.  "In some cultures, black cats are good luck," Texas-based Insurance Licensing said in a YouTube animation. "In Japan, owning a black cat is thought to attract potential suitors for single women."  I added a video to a @YouTube playlist Black Cat Appreciation Day

The company also noted that "researchers have discovered that the genetic mutations that cause cats to have black coats may offer them protection from diseases."  Waltham Abbey-based cat rescue charity Scratching Post tweeted an infographic on a few little-known facts about black cats. Over one-third of all cats in shelters are black, they also stay in shelters 24 percent longer than other cats, and there are generally more male than female ones, it stated.  "Did you know Black Cats stay in shelters 24% longer than other cats? It's such a shame — who wouldn't want a mini panther in their life," it exclaimed. 

Blue Cross, a major Burford, Oxfordshire sheltering charity founded in 1897, posted 12 common cat myths and a list of the top black cat names to revamp the tarnished tabby's image.  "We're sad to say that our black moggies tend to get overlooked as they're deemed unlucky. But, just like any other cat all they want is love and cuddles," a spokesperson tweeted.  

#GrouchoMarx: "A black cat crossing your path signifies that the animal is going somewhere"
