Chinese Inventor Presents Flying Scooter After Years of Testing

Inventor Deli Zhao has been testing his flying scooter for the last two years, having carried out a total of over 1,500 individual tests.

"The idea arose at the end of 2016, and I started the project in early 2017. It was my childhood dream to soar in the sky on a motorcycle. This was my incentive. It guided me while I was working on the project," Zhao said.

His invention can withstand a load of up to 220 kg and fly at speeds of up to 70 kph.

Zhao shared his future ambitions and said that he hoped his invention could reach the global market.

Chinese inventor Deli Zhao lets his dreams set sail

Публикация от Sputnik (@sputnik_news) 20 Авг 2018 в 9:48 PDT
