UK Needs Respect

So, have you watched the video of the Copper slapping a girl thug in Accrington? Were you outraged like the newspapers tried to make you? Did you get upset when the Chief constable defended his officer?

Or like me did you think, it's about time the British police became a force again and not a service and that this slap should serve as a warning to other feral youth who are plaguing British streets?

When I consider that London has overtaken New York for murders, when we seem to have imported acid attacks on an industrial scale into the country and moped muggers seem able to carry out their crimes with impunity I was outraged that many of our major newspapers tried to turn this story, or should I say non-story, into an attack on the Police.

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Did they not hear the screams and the taunts of the feral yobs who actually filmed the arrest? And no doubt put it on YouTube.

The MSM described it as "shocking" and said the cops had "snared" this 14-year-old girl. The Daily Mail headline was, "Shocking video shows burly Policeman slapping a 14-year-old girl in the face."

It is clear that the Dinosaur Press now need ridiculous stories stolen from YouTube or twitter spats to sell their newspapers. As I say, this was a non-story but clearly, the tabloids wanted to stir up the usual suspects and suggest that this was police brutality instead of supporting our boys and girls in blue. Only later in their articles do they state that this job was resisting arrest and had bitten the female officer and that both officers required hospital treatment after this altercation.

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In simple brutal terms if this "little madam" hadn't resisted arrest in such a violent manner she would not have needed a slap to calm her down so that she could be cuffed. And despite the Twitterati claims, it was a slap and not a punch. I wonder how these uber-liberals would have constrained this snarling little animal?

People have been asking where were the parents? Well, as for the dad, I can't say but I can hazard a pretty damn good guess but as for the mum, the answer is straightforward. She was in the next cell to her feral daughter as she too was arrested at the scene.

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I am not into the Police dishing out summary justice but I think our streets would be a hell of a lot safer if the Police were more like Gene Hunt in Life on Mars rather than busy on diversity courses, painting their panda cars in rainbow colors and dancing with gay blokes at Pride marches.

I am the son of a copper and my dad served for thirty years in a rough area of Coventry. Even as a policeman's son I and my mates still made ourselves scarce when we saw my dad or his mate on the beat. We had a respect for the Police, dare I even say it a bit of fear too but compare and contrast that with the baying mob in the video. Shouting out obscenities and telling the cops, "we've got your number and you're going to lose your jobs over this."

Clearly, these jobs and no doubt the spitting biting 14-year-old girl will know all their rights but none of their responsibilities and in today's touchy-feely non-judgemental world they will all be treated with kid gloves and the authorities will respect their rights and try and understand them rather than just condemn them.

This disrespect starts in the family home of course where too many men are absent from the home. Too many of these feckless fathers think their responsibility ends when they roll off the woman and light their fags. Look at the murders in Sadiq Khan's London. How many crying mothers have you seen of both victims and the murderers but how many times have you seen the Dad standing next to the crying woman?  So, I will not condemn the mums who all too often are trying hold down two jobs to feed their kids but boys especially need a positive role model in the home to teach them respect and indeed instill in them some self-respect.

Likewise, in school, we need more male role models in our teachers and they should be able to dish out tough love.

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I don't know about you but the teachers I respected the most were always the toughest one and the ones who were not afraid to throw the blackboard rubber at me!

My PE teacher, Cookie, would make us take off our pumps if they were dirty and he would then proceed to give us two on the backside with our own pump. To use a cliché, it never did me any harm and it certainly made me make sure to whiten my pumps every week.

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He made Brian Glovers, PE teacher, in the brilliant film Kes look like a lily-livered liberal but the man was also a hero to us.

He had a saying which I still hold to this day which is, a team is only as strong as its weakest link.

He taught us self-respect and respect for others and the importance of working together and yes, I was scared of him too but I will never forget him.

Again, I am not calling for a return to kids being beaten black and blue but wasn't it better when we had proper school uniforms rigorously applied, when no one could duck out of sport, when you stood up when a teacher entered the classroom and you called them Sir or Mam and not by their first name?

It's ironic that in a week when the Queen of soul, Aretha Franklin died, that the words from one of her most famous songs are more needed than ever in our society,  R E S P E C T.

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The views and opinions expressed by Jon Gaunt are those of the contributor and do not necessarily reflect those of Sputnik.
