Woman Terrified as Her Boyfriend Tried to Use Lint Remover Mistaken for Sex Toy

A potentially hazardous situation has left one UK woman wondering how a man could think that an object shaped like a lint remover could be used for sexual gratification.

A British woman nearly ended up in a rather painful situation when her boyfriend attempted to use a lint remover on her after confusing the device with a vibrator.

As the lady explained on Mumsnet website, she purchased the tool earlier the same day that the mishap had occurred, and left it in the same drawer where the couple also keeps their sex toys.

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"So, we’re enjoying Sexy Saturday, he gets up to get a toy and comes back with the de-bobbler buzzing…coming at my lady garden with a bloody de-bobbler. He thought I’d bought a new toy," the lady, who uses the alias "Saturdaynightllama" on the website, wrote.

While the woman appeared to be understandably unnerved by the experience, asking the audience how her boyfriend could not notice that a lint remover “was not something that was ever designed for pleasure," many users have admitted that they were "crying with laughter" over this situation.
