Lana Del Rey Pulls Out of Israeli Fest After Backlash From Palestinians

The 33-year-old American singer came under pressure from the Palestine Campaign for the Academic and Cultural Boycott of Israel to make her change a decision to perform at an Israeli festival.

Lana Del Rey, who’s known for her melancholic baroque pop music, has pulled out of the Israeli music festival Meteor scheduled for next week in light of fierce backlash over her decision to remain one of the headline performers.

READ MORE: Singer Lorde Gives in to Pressure, Cancels Tel Aviv Show

In her Friday tweet, Lana wrote that she wanted to sing for both Palestinian and Israeli fans, but it was impossible to “line up both visits with such short notice,” therefore she had decided to postpone her performance.

“It’s important to me to perform in both Palestine and Israel and treat all my fans equally,” Lana tweeted a statement.

Her statement comes as a U-turn to her previous stance when she defended her decision to perform in Israel.

“I believe music is universal and should be used to bring us together. […] I would like to remind you that performing in Tel Aviv is not a political statement or a commitment to politics there, just like singing here in California doesn’t mean my views are in alignment w[ith] my current government’s opinions or sometimes inhuman actions,” Lana wrote.

Reacting to Lana’s initial statement, the Palestine Campaign for the Academic and Cultural Boycott of Israel said: “We doubt that you would have played in apartheid South Africa; likewise, artists refuse to play in apartheid Israel.”

READ MORE: Activist: Israeli Group Lawsuit Over Lorde’s Canceled Concert a ‘Losing Battle’

Following her Friday tweet, the pressure group took to the social media platform to welcome Lana’s decision and encourage other participants of the festival to “respect our nonviolent picket line.”

Del Rey followed Lorde's suit in deciding not to perform in Israel after she received an open letter from fans who wrote that her concert would “send the wrong message.”

READ MORE: Natalie Portman Sets Twitter Ablaze With Stand Against “Recent Events” in Israel

Radiohead, in turn, went ahead with a performance in Tel Aviv last summer, with band member, Thom Yorke, arguing that “playing in a country isn’t the same as endorsing the government… We don’t endorse Netanyahu any more than Trump, but we still play in America.”
