Suburban Showdown: Moose Butt Heads in Russian Backyard

A video of a fight between two moose was submitted to the news outlet Zarechye Today by an eyewitness. The elk altercation occurred in Zarechny, a suburb of the Russian city of Penza, on September 24 at 10:40 a.m., the man who filmed the event said.

"If it happened in the evening, when the whole backyard was lined with cars; the consequences would have been deplorable!" the man who recorded the fight said.

Eyewitnesses called the Ministry of Emergency Situations, but by then the conflict was settled.

According to the US science journal Smithsonian, "Most of the time, male moose fight over females or territory (which they hope is full of females). And it turns out that the point isn't actually for one moose to gore the other moose with his antlers. It's to push harder and show that he's stronger. Whoever can move the other one out of the way wins."

