'We Are Not Sin City'! Houston Officials Pull the Plug on Sex Robot Brothel

The city ordinance apparently prevents businesses from selling sex robots’ ‘services’, but not the dolls themselves.

The Houston City Council has updated a local ordinance which now effectively prevents a Toronto-based company, KinkySdollS, from opening the first sex robot brothel in the United States inside city limits, USA Today reports.

The ordinance, which bans patrons from having sex with a device resembling a human at a business but does not prohibit selling sex robots, was adopted via unanimous vote on Wednesday.

First Owner of Harmony Sex Robot Shares His Experience (VIDEO)
One council member even reportedly said prior to the vote that he would film the people visiting the robo-brothel and then use the footage to shame them online.

"I know there's some people that will sit there and say, 'What does the City of Houston have to do with any of this?' And the answer is 'We're not getting into your bedroom, but don't bring it into our district. Don't bring it into our city. This is not a good business for our city. We are not Sin City,'" the councilman said.

Earlier this week, the Houston Chronicle reported that city officials have issued a “red tag” to suspend the construction of the brothel in Texas after building inspectors had determined that KinkySdollS lacked the permits required for demolition and construction at a former hair salon in the Galleria area of Houston.

READ MORE: No Permits, No Sexbots: Houston Officials Halt Opening of First US Robo-Brothel

In September, KinkySdollS announced they would be launching the first “love dolls brothel” in the United States, with the opening date expected to be between the end of September and beginning of October.

The company unveiled its first facility near Toronto last year, where a half hour with a life-sized doll that responds to touch would cost $60. The price of the new generation of sex dolls ranges from $2,500 to $5,000 each.
