Entrepreneur: Personal and Professional Success Solely Based on Your Happiness

Danielle Hughes from the Forbes ‘30 under 30’ 2018, a co-founder of Detroit Speaks nonprofit to find out more about keys to personal and professional success.

Sputnik: What is the basis of personal and professional success?

Danielle Hughes: I believe that personal and professional success is solely based on your happiness. You will thrive in whatever you seek to do in life if you're happy while doing it. Many times in life, we trade success for happiness and end up miserable. When you're miserable, things are forced. When you are happy and at peace with how you show up in life, good things will naturally flow towards you. I am no longer interested in forcing anything — whether in business or personal relationships. I believe that's why I consider myself successful because I make my happiness my first priority. You will do and feel your best when you are truly doing purposeful work.

Jordan Shapiro Talks Education in 21st Century Digital World
Sputnik: How do you bounce back after losing everything?

Danielle Hughes: I am no stranger to failure. I have been fired from a total of 5 jobs in my entire life. Two of which were in my career. The key to bouncing back is staying in motion. What do I mean by that? You need to keep moving. The world doesn't stop turning just because you have failed at something. Pick yourself up and figure out how to best contribute to the world while filling a need. That is your purpose. The bounce back in my life occurred when I realized that I no longer wanted to operate in lack but in abundance and take charge of my life. Set 5 major goals for yourself. Write them down. Work at them every single day and SHOW UP. Things will begin to happen to you if you'll only stay consistent.

Danielle Hughes, a co-founder of Detroit Speaks nonprofit
Sputnik: How to make it to the Forbes list?

Danielle Hughes: Focus on you work and making an impact — not the accolades or accomplishments. When you shift your focus to making a difference, success will chase after you. A couple of other things that I believe help are keeping a clean reputation, being easy to find (active website and social media) as well as name recognition (networking with others who will be able to put in a good word for you). Networking is very important when people can easily recognize you and are familiar with the work you're doing.

The views expressed in this article are those of the speaker, and do not necessarily reflect those of Sputnik.
