Trump Wants Stormy Daniels to Cough Up More Than $300K to Cover Legal Fees

US President Donald Trump wants Stormy Daniels to fork over more than $300,000 to cover his legal fees after the adult film actress' defamation case was dismissed by a federal judge.

A court filing submitted on Monday indicates that a whopping $341,559.50 in attorney's fees is being requested from Daniels, whose real name is Stephanie Clifford, the Washington Examiner reported.

The document goes on to say that Daniels filed her defamation case "not because it had any merit, but instead for the ulterior purposes of raising her media profile, engaging in political attacks against the president by herself and her attorney."

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It also indicated that the case was filed in an effort to "depose Mr. Trump and take discovery."

The move comes weeks after US District Judge S. James Otero dismissed the case, stating that POTUS' remarks on Twitter are constitutionally protected speech. "[The tweet] constitutes ‘rhetorical hyperbole' normally associated with politics and public discourse," Otero concluded in the matter, before ordering Daniels to pay for Trump's legal fees.

Daniels will likely be dipping into the more than $500,000 she has already managed to collect on the website Crowd Justice. The crowdfunding campaign has a goal of raising $850,000.

At the center of the now-dismissed defamation lawsuit was a tweet Trump wrote in April after Daniels appeared on CBS' "60 Minutes" to talk about her alleged affair with POTUS and how she was threatened to stay quiet about the 2006 affair by man she'd never seen before in 2011.

Moments after the much-anticipated weekend interview aired, 45 took to his favorite social media platform and called a sketch Daniels provided of her alleged attacker a "total con job."

​"This is a number created out of whole cloth," Michael Avenatti, Daniels' lawyer, told the Examiner of the legal fee request. "And it is nothing compared to what he will owe my client from the main NDA case."

Daniels has also sued Trump over a nondisclosure agreement (NDA) she signed regarding her alleged affair in exchange for a payment of $130,000. The actress is claiming that the agreement is void because Trump never actually signed the paperwork. Trump has adamantly denied he has ever had relations with Daniels.
