Drone Expert Paints Grim Future After Gatwick Incident

The sighting of drones flying above Gatwick Airport has resulted in two days disruption of its operations due to security concerns. The incident forced British police to review their response to suspected drone threats.

Laurie Calhoun, a philosopher and an expert on drone warfare, told Sputnik that the incident at Gatwick Airport, which took place between 19 and 21 December, was just the tip of the iceberg and that more dangerous attacks might follow.

"The recent incident at Gatwick Airport, when thousands of flights were cancelled or postponed […] is only a hint of what is to come", she said.

UK Needs to Improve Response to Drone Incidents After Gatwick Shutdown – Police

Calhoun argues that with development of the drone industry and "normalisation of targeted killing by remote control", mostly through the use of UAVs to kill terrorists ("along with unknown number of civilians"), the world might become a more dangerous place with criminals and terrorists getting their hands on drone technology.

"Because of their modularity, drones will become the lethal tool of choice for not only the military, but also criminal syndicates and terrorist factions", Calhoun added.

READ MORE: What is 'Drone Dome' That UK Could Have Used to Take Down Gatwick UAV

The expert noted that by arming drones with potent biological or chemical agents, jihadists can become "highly effective in terrorizing entire populations, with no risk". She added that the costs, both in human lives and "in disruptive effects" will be huge for the countries, which terrorists deem as invaders into the Middle East and Africa.

"We should expect the terrorists of the future to use drone technology to target those complicit (the taxpayers) in what jihadists regard as a war on Muslim people", she said.

Flights at London Gatwick Airport were suspended between 19 and 21 December amid reports that two drones were flying over the airfield. Hundreds of thousands of people were affected by the cancellation of flights, but the Sussex Police said that it considered the flying of drones as a "deliberate" yet not terror-related act.

READ MORE: UK Police Arrest 2 Suspects Over Drone Incident at Gatwick Airport

Later, two suspects were arrested and they are now facing hefty fines and jail sentences, if they are found guilty of using drones to disrupt the airport's operation.

The views and opinions expressed are those of the speaker and do not necessarily reflect those of Sputnik.
