Visa-vis: Bali Officials Jail UK Citizen for Slapping Officer Over Visa Spat

Indonesian authorities hit back at British native Auj-e Taqaddas, who slapped with a six-month jail sentence on Wednesday after she was filmed slapping a Bali immigration officer over a visa spat.

The scuffle began after the defendant missed her flight due to an expired visa. Taqaddas, 43, began to throw a massive tantrum in July last year after immigration officers at the Ngurah Rai International Airport ordered her to pay £3,500 for overstaying her visa by several months.

She then slapped a male officer across his face and was charged with violent behaviour against a government official, but plead not guilty to the charges.

"We have been monitoring her movements in the past week and this afternoon we forcibly took her to the court," said prosecutor Waher Tulus Jaya Tarihoran. "She fought back, hitting and kicking our prosecutors."

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Taqaddas accused Bali authorities of editing the footage during her trial in December and plans to appeal her sentence, but the video had already been shared across the internet last year. Authorities had to physically escort the defendant to court on Wednesday after she missed several court dates, according to authorities.
