Get Rid of Bleeding-Heart Liberals and Take Back Control

Two more senseless murders of young people this weekend. The number of children admitted to hospital with stab wounds has soared by 93 per cent in five years. A 60% rise in violent crime in Birmingham over the past year. 30 deaths or stabbings so far in 2019.

How are we dealing with it? The government's response has been to set up exclusion pupil referral units (PRUs) for any manner of disruptions in the classroom, from mobile phone irritations to pupils excluded for drug and knife crimes.

The trouble is the PRUs have become schools for knife crime and gang grooming grounds, having the opposite effect than that intended. They offer part-time curriculums, most have never been inspected and are expensive. Our prisons are even worse.

UK Initiative to Ban Convicts From Social Media Won't Stop Knife Crime - MP

Drug crime is firmly embedded in our killing fields. We have never got to grips with the 'war on drugs', in fact, it never started. Dealers hang around outside schools, selling and recruiting young vulnerable kids to run "county lines" drug dealing. There is a saturated market in our cities so they prey upon rural areas via trains and cars. There is an endless supply of drugs getting in via our uncontrolled borders and weapons too. The police have been highlighting this for years.

It's cool for the causal carrying of knives, it's unusual not to have a knife and more young men who are not afraid.

READ MORE: Stop Chasing Twitter Transphobes & Focus on Knife Crime — BoJo to UK Police

Who's to blame?

Single parents, absent fathers, school exclusions and violence in the home. Black on black crime is real and is a tragedy — black murders are disproportionally committed by blacks on blacks. In the UK, the black ethnic group has the highest proportion of lone parent households at 13 percent, the children pay the price with half of the black children having no father living at home.

If right-wing columnists like me mention the facts around this subject, we're racists. If the white bleeding-heart liberals and black columnists speak about the 'realities' as they see them, they're feeling their pain and blame the government for everything, it's never the families or perpetrators' fault.

READ MORE: 'No Quick Fixes': UK Needs Changing Mindset to Tackle Surged Child Gangs — Prof

They wouldn't blame the steady decline of adult male authority outside of the family by emasculating our men, promoting feminist toxicity, the #MeToo movement, the fear of being accused of child abuse, state welfare provision so that men don't have to where they're reduced to sperm banks, our changing demographics means we've got more young men due to immigration (former Met chief) that brought cultural crime and more unchallenged testosterone. And our police prancing around in rainbow cars with painted nails.

But remember, none of the above is the fault of the middle-class bleeding heart liberals.

With all that in the mix, how do we deal with this national disgrace? 

Addict Couple 'Killed Drug Dealer to Give Their Children a Good Christmas'
A leaked Home Office report linked the rise in violent crime to police cuts. Since 2010 20,000 police officers have been cut. We have 900 police officers sitting behind computers looking for hurty Tweets. Who's surprised?

READ MORE: Researcher on UK Knife Crime: 'Response to Vulnerability Young People Feel'

Of course, we need more police. We need more traffic police to target "county lines' gang members and more use of facial recognition and behavioural science software, instead of wasting police man-hours outside parliament watching a few right-wing nut jobs. We need more police outside our schools arresting and jailing drug grooming gangs, who operate in plain sight, sticking up the proverbial middle finger to everyone.

Where is London's Mayor Khan't when he's not hiding behind his Twitter account with expensive PR memes? He was found on Saturday, revealed by The Sun newspaper, jetting off to Marrakesh for a holiday with his wife, complete with a security guard and policeman through the airport and to the door of the plane. Why does he need security, airports are the safest places in our country? If only our kids had more security.

READ MORE: Victims of Crime Deserve Justice: It's Not About Left or Right But Right & Wrong

And the government's response? Minister Nick Hurd witters on about an extra 2,500 police officers. What about replacing the 20k you got rid of and a starter top up of 2.5k?

The prime minister, the former home secretary has been silent, surely she must have a view?

The home secretary? Looking tough on a few migrants bobbing up and down in the English Channel while thousands break in via the lorries, together with guns, knives and drugs.

But he's going to have another meeting with police chiefs to ‘see what can be done'. And there you have it, the home secretary should be telling the police what he's going to do about it. Another Tweet, another PR stunt. 

When in opposition, Gove promised a national service for young people. He told me he would like to extend it to all young people, not just the hard to reach but it was too expensive. These PRU grooming gang schools are an expensive mistake. 

We have many UK veterans who are unemployed or underemployed in the private security business.  Let's set up two national service hubs, headed by ex-forces personnel. One for kids identified as vulnerable to crime and those who are victims of crime and one for those who are the perpetrators of crime. 

READ MORE: Stop Chasing Twitter Transphobes & Focus on Knife Crime — BoJo to UK Police

For two years, the 'National Service for Future Leaders' would give the kids an education, vocational skills, discipline and hope, led by men. Men to look up to.

The 'National Service for Young Offenders' would do the above and include restorative justice and punishment.

Forget our young offending units and prisons which are just holding pens and further education crime schools where kids come out with PhDs in crime and a Rolodex of contacts, and hand them over to people who are trained to make men. Train them to be the best, not wannabe drugs lords and knife-wielding gangster rappers.

This is a national emergency, we need a leader, we need a Rudi Guiliani, the saviour of New York. When he took power New York had the highest crime rate in the US. When he left office, it had been reduced to one-third of what it was when he took office and has continued to improve and considered to be safe for a large city. This is the man who is pro-gay rights, pro-gun control and supports abortion rights. What's not to like, bleeding-hearts? Despite fun junket trips for politicians to New York to ‘learn' from Guiliani's success and talk tough via Twitter, very little has been implemented by the UK. 

We are in desperate need of a leader. 

We also have to take back control of our social services, police, prisons, crime policy and schools from the bleeding heart liberals who have been in control for decades. We have to do so this to save lives and restore control.

The views and opinions expressed by the contributor do not necessarily reflect those of Sputnik.
