'The US is Very Isolated in Its Approach to Venezuela' - Campaigner

US Secretary of State Mike Pompeo said on Thursday that all the American diplomats have left Venezuela, adding that they will continue managing the flow of "US aid" into the country. Sputnik spoke to Francisco Dominguez from the Venezuela Solidarity Campaign and asked him how he thought we could see the Venezuelan crisis develop.

Sputnik: How do you think we could see the Venezuelan crisis develop?

Francisco Dominguez: You know I think the US has been defeated so many times. They went to the Organisation of American States to try to get Juan Guaido recognised. They went to the UNSC twice and on both occasions were defeated. They were even abandoned by the EU who made it clear through Mogherini who said they absolutely categorically reject any use of force against Venezuela. So in that sense the US are very isolated. Desperately Mr Pompeo went to the Lima group and asked them to endorse military action; so the only country which has been ambiguously in favour of military action in the whole world, has been the US, and possibly Colombia.  

READ MORE: All US Diplomats Left Venezuela After Ultimatum From Caracas — Pompeo

Sputnik: So how do you see the US proceeding in its plan for regime change?

Francisco Dominguez: I think the US has two options, possibly 3. One is going for full war, directly by the US against Venezuela and I think it’s possible that this might happen. But they have tremendous doubts about the levels of resistance they are likely to meet there. They know Venezuela is well-armed, well-equipped, well-prepared and is capable of defending itself. Number two, following Elliot Abrams’ strategy, they might go for something like a contra-war like they did in the 1980s in Nicaragua by army and paramilitaries and try to create a context for a civil war in Venezuela itself but I think Venezuela is much better prepared for that than Nicaragua was in the 1980s. Again, there are doubts about this because any such attempt would most likely take place in Colombian territory.

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And I think the Colombians are very doubtful about it because particularly they have a tremendous amount of opposition inside Colombia. Already the left, led by somebody called Gustavo Pedro, who led the left in the last elections and got 43 percent of the vote, who are bitterly campaigning every day, senators are giving press conferences saying they are opposed to the war; it seems to me that it is a difficult option but that’s a possibility. The third one is that the US finally gives up and actually mends fences with Venezuela and looks for a different option which is respectful to the national sovereignty of the country. I think most likely, given that they have appointed Mr Abrams they will go for the second option, which is extremely problematic for them. 

Sputnik: Mike Pompeo told a Texas radio station it is time to return Venezuela's oil to the Venezuelan people and he said "Time is drawing short’. I asked Francisco if he believed that concern for the Venezuelan people was indeed driving US policy?

Francisco Dominguez: Why is it the business of the US what Venezuela does with its oil? Why is it a matter for the US regarding what is going on inside Venezuela? Why is it the business of the US what is going on inside any country? It’s complete rhetoric, it’s empty rhetoric and I think what is going on is that they are trying to pretend themselves – Mr Bolton, Elliot Abrams, Mr Pompeo, Marco Rubio and a few others – they are still saying they are going to go against Venezuela because they don’t want to look ridiculously defeated. And they are trying to maintain a semblance that this is going on.

The views and opinions expressed by the speaker do not necessarily reflect those of Sputnik.  
