Singer Says Michael Jackson Sex Abuse Accusations Could Be a 'Money Grab'

Leaving Neverland, a new bombshell HBO documentary, alleges Michael Jackson had molested two children over two decades ago. It has made waves across the globe, with many fans disputing the claims and stating that the two accusers are hungry for a piece of Jackson's fame and money.

Arika Kane, an American singer-songwriter and producer, in an interview with Sputnik, cast doubt on the new child sexual abuse allegations brought forward against the late Michael Jackson in an explosive documentary.

Sputnik: Why was this documentary released now, 10 years after Michael's death?

Arika Kane: That's a good question. It seems very questionable to defame a man who's already been investigated and tried in court for all of this and was found not guilty, also who's not alive to continue to defend himself.

Sputnik: Who is trying to benefit from this speculation?

Mike Tyson Says Michael Jackson’s Accusers 'Just Out to Get Money' From New Docu
Arika Kane: Many are speculating that there is an opportunity of making a lot of money from the estate as there is now a court appeal from the alleged victims.

Sputnik: Some experts say that such narratives are made in order to distract from the real crimes being hidden within Hollywood. What is your opinion about that?

Arika Kane: That is always a possibility. There is always so much that goes on behind the scenes that the public is not aware of or informed about in the entertainment industry.

READ MORE: Michael Jackson's Fan Groups Sue Denouncers for 'Sullying His Memory' — Reports

Sputnik: In your opinion, why does someone like Oprah Winfrey support Michael's accusers but doesn't say a thing about other Hollywood predators whose guilt has been proven in court?

'Pure B***s**t': Fans Disgusted by Lurid Docu on Acquitted Michael Jackson
Arika Kane: It seems that there are many powerful people in the entertainment business who have exceptional platforms that are more concerned with supporting the narratives that align with their own interest or for a bigger or unknown agenda.

Sputnik: What is your take on the level of media bias, especially when covering issues related to MJ?

Arika Kane: It seems strangely one sided. Brandi Jackson, the niece of Michael Jackson dated Wade Robson from the age of 12 throughout his teen years and has a whole different story to tell. You would think she would be given the same high profile platform or at least the opportunity to tell her side of the story for a true documentary to be formed & promoted. We live in a society where people will believe most accusations before researching or believing the possibility of ill intended motivations behind any accusations.

The views and opinions in this articles are solely those of the speaker and do not necessarily reflect those of Sputnik

