WATCH Best Man to Fall Flat on His Face During Maid of Honour’s Song

A video of an accident that could see these nuptials in Washington added to the list of most awkward weddings has surfaced on YouTube and Reddit with a merciless title, indicating that the best man might have fallen victim to a bridesmaid’s poor vocal talent. The footage led to a storm in the comments.

The clip, titled “Best Man faints and saves audience from terrible song by Maid of Honor”, which is almost painful to watch, has gained over 360,000 views on YouTube, thousands of comments, and turned its mischievous hero into a viral success. 

The best man inadvertently interrupted what was supposed to be a romantic and touching moment during the wedding, which reportedly took place in Snohomish, Washington, on a hot summer day, falling flat on his face with a splat during what appeared to be the bridesmaid’s performance. 

Onlookers immediately ran to help him as the ceremony was interrupted and just seconds later, he was escorted away. The description for the video also contains a link to photos of the aftermath of this brutal fall, suggesting that he broke several teeth, injured his chin, and scratched an area around his eye.

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Many commenters felt sorry for him, saying they almost felt the pain just from watching the video.

“Ouch man, that was a rough face to ground hit.  Hope he's alright!”one posted.

“I thought this was fake but man he smashed his shoulder real good. Hope he feels well!” another user noted.

However, many seemed less empathic and more sarcastic.

“Kissed the ground and then pissed himself what a romantic wedding”, another wrote.

There were some who immediately pointed at the man as being a culprit of the mischief. 

“Plot twist: He did it on purpose because he's a true bro”, a YouTube user posted, while another asked fellow commenters who it could have been that told the bridesmaid she sings well.
