'So Many WHITE People in One Place': Newsreader Jon Snow on Pro-Brexit Rally

A Pro-Brexit protester demonstrates outside the Houses of Parliament in London, Britain, March 29, 2019.
A large pro-Brexit demonstration took place in the UK capital on 29 March, following the third defeat of UK Prime Minister Theresa May's withdrawal deal in Parliament.

Channel 4 newsreader Jon Snow, 71, has commented on the demonstration on Downing Street, 10, saying "We've just got these pictures in which were taken nearby. Police are now wearing riot gear. Police dogs are patrolling. The mood has changed. We cannot confirm whether any arrests have been made. It has been the most extraordinary day. A day which has seen… I've never seen so many white people in one place! It's an extraordinary story — there are people everywhere, there are crowds everywhere."

The video with the newsreader has sparked fury among netizens, that called his comments as "unbelievably shocking".

The Twitter users have started posting photos of protesters on different rallies.

Meanwhile, some social media users have agreed with the newsreader.

READ MORE: 'Feels Like Betrayal': Pro-Brexit Protesters Rally in Front of UK Parl't (PHOTO)

Some of them even shared other examples of "white people in one place".

On 29 March, that day that was supposed to be Brexit day, the House of Commons voted down the agreement that had been negotiated by May's government and the European Union on the UK's withdrawal from the bloc for the third time. Under the existing arrangements, the UK currently has until 12 April to either present an alternative Brexit plan or leave the European Union without a deal.
