WATCH Lightning Strike as Couple Attempts to Take a Picture Near CROSS

The hikers didn’t sustain any injuries from this sudden electric strike, and were jokingly advised to try their luck at the lottery by relatives.

Marcel Gallardo and his wife Madga unexpectedly ended up in quite a predicament when a bolt of lightning struck mere meters away from them while they were climbing a mountain peak in Catalonia.

According to the Daily Mail, the couple got caught in a thunderstorm while navigating the slopes of Montseny Massif and decided to take a picture next to a massive cross they encountered on the mountainside.

A video recorded by Marcel shows how Magda was posing for the picture when the lightning suddenly struck nearby, apparently knocking both of them off their feet.

"What surprised us most was that there were hailstones in the area, but no thunder or lightning so we were very shocked”, Magda said, while Marcel added that they "could smell burning after the strike".

Thankfully, neither of them sustained any injuries during this ordeal, which prompted their family members to jokingly advise them to buy a lottery ticket, the newspaper adds.
