Their Entire Position Starts From Deceit - Campaigner on Tories' Brexit Handling

Talks between the Conservative and Labour parties in the British Parliament are set to resume today, as MPs return from their Easter recess. But can they reach a compromise that will end the ongoing political deadlock that has wreaked havoc in the UK?

Sputnik spoke with political campaigner Michael Swadling about the Brexit Party and the Brexit extension.

Sputnik: Was extending Article Fifty a mistake? 

Michael Swadling: It is a mistake. The British people voted to leave the EU; it's almost three years and it will be past three years if we run out the whole extension.

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They can't find a compromise because their entire position starts from deceit; deceit in the referendum, deceit in their manifestos for the 2017 general election, deceit in their triggering of Article Fifty in the first place.

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These are deceitful parties and deceitful politicians who have blatantly lied to the British people, and it's no surprise that when they try to find the next steps to take to deceive us further, that they can't find a common ground.

Sputnik: Is Brexit in its truest sense dead?

Michael Swadling: The great thing is, throughout our history, throughout the history of all struggles for democracy, there's been set backs, it has taken time, but the people always prevail.

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I absolutely believe that the people and that the vote of 17.4 million of us will prevail in the end. I'm registered with the Brexit Party and they are riding high in the European polls, and they are gaining ground in the Westminster voting intention polls.

READ MORE: 'Seismic Shock': Conversative Party Vet Widdecombe Joins Farage's Brexit Party

The Conservatives are a party that are frankly in name only now, Labour are holding off a bit more, but once their policies are under scrutiny, I can't see the basic split between their northern base voting to leave, and their small clique in north London being avid Remainers, those are the parties of the past, and they are parties of the past because they have set themselves up against the British people. 

It may take time; it may take further elections, but the people will win out in the end.

The views expressed in this article are solely those of the speaker and do not necessarily reflect the official position of Sputnik.
