Enigmatic Rainbow-Coloured 'Face-Shaped' Cloud Spotted in American Sky (VIDEO)

The bizarre cloud was reportedly seen in several different counties, while people discussing it online offered various theories regarding its origins, including a military project straight out of a conspiracy theory and chemtrail residue.

A peculiar phenomenon was observed in the sky over South Carolina, where locals witnessed a colourful cloud whose shape vaguely resembled a human face.

This unusual sight was captured on video by a man named Kenneth Grones who, while filming, described what he was witnessing as "weird", adding that he "had never seen anything like this before".

The recording later featured in a video posted by YouTube channel "Thirdphaseofmoon" (Grone's footage can be seen from 4:57 to 7:47), with the channel’s authors discussing the phenomenon in detail and noting how Kenneth said that the cloud was "reported in several different counties".

People discussing the phenomenon in the comment section have offered various theories about its origins, ranging from "a military creation — Project BlueBeam", to "chem trail residue breaking the sunlight into prisma colors".
