Porn Addiction is Not Real, Adult Movies Are Actually Good for Society - Journo

The journalist claims, citing sexologists, that "porn addiction" is not real, as pornography doesn't cause depression, adding that dirty movies, in fact, have a considerable positive impact on society.

Australian journalist and pro-porn advocate Nadia Bokody has published a video on YouTube in order to explain there is nothing wrong about binge-watching adult movies.

 "We have this ridiculous idea, that watching porn is something that encourages sexual violence and encourages disrespect to women… I can actually tell you that the countries that have the most open-minded and liberal attitudes towards pornography consumption have the lowest levels of sexual violence and the lowest rates of unwanted pregnancy".

Bokody refers to Dr Chris Donaghue's statements, noting that people are pretty open about watching football or Netflix shows non-stop, and stating there is nothing bad about it — and about loving porn films as well.
