Meghan McCain Roasted Online After Labelling Moscow 'City of Satan' on Air

While McCain praised Jon Huntsman’s work in the Russian capital, her description of the city, which looked like something straight out of a religious sermon, apparently did not sit well with the social media audience.

Meghan McCain, the daughter of late Senator John McCain and co-host of ABC talk show The View, has managed to cause quite a stir on social media while also possibly making the life of US Ambassador to Russia Jon Huntsman’s life more difficult, thanks to her colourful remark related to Moscow.

While conversing with the ambassador during the show via live satellite feed, Meghan literally went all Biblical by describing the Russian capital as the "city of Satan" while praising Huntsman for the work he’s doing there.

"John and Mary Kaye are doing the Lord’s work in the city of Satan. Thank you so much for your service to our country, that is a rough job", Meghan said. "And I for one as American am grateful that someone like you is doing it".

A considerable number of people seemed less than thrilled by Meghan’s remark, voicing their displeasure on social media.

​Some were also quick to remind her that her father once used that very same remark, “the city of Satan”, to describe Washington DC.
